Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy has created deep divisions within the Charlottesville community by taking a largely administrative position and turning it into a bully pulpit to attack white culture and history. Wes Bellamy recently targeted Lee Park, demanding that a historical Robert E. Lee statue be removed, despite a price tag of over $700,000 dollars to taxpayers. But it’s all about his deep seated resentments. Bellamy doesn’t care about massively overspending to get his way.

Charlottesville is a very liberal city in Central Virginia which voted overwhelmingly for President Obama twice and no doubt took a lot of pride in voting for Wes Bellamy on race alone. They thought they would simply pat themselves on the back about how tolerant and diverse they were. In the process they demanded no vetting from the media for a man who is essentially a carpetbagger from Atlanta with a criminal history of assaulting police officers and a blatant black supremacist.

Of course there have been many concerned voices about Wes Bellamy’s plan to attack white history by removing the Robert E. Lee statue but the community and media seem to have written his critics off as cranks and fringe Confederate history buffs. Meanwhile he reportedly stacks all of his committees with all or majority black appointees, attends 100 Black Man racist anti-white conferences, and uses his power to harass local business owners who criticize Black Lives Matter.
Even more alarmingly, Wes Bellamy has intimated that he intends to target the legacy of Former President Thomas Jefferson, who founded the University of Virginia and who resided here at his plantation home, Monticello. Wes Bellamy spoke to local CBS affiliate CBS 19: “Right now, we are going to be looking at the Confederate statues, but in terms of Monticello, Thomas Jefferson, and things of that nature, I think those are conversations we do need to have here in the city of Charlottesville.”

It’s unclear whether Wes Bellamy’s radical anti-white agenda had any connection to the Marxist element on campus who recently scolded UVA President Theresa Sulllivan for quoting Jefferson but it certainly didn’t help. In lieu of making headlines for planning Charlottesville highway development, infrastructure and water conservation like other members of city council, it seems that Bellamy has dedicated himself almost exclusively to his Afrocentric racial agenda, running roughshod over the effete white liberals making up the Charlottesville Democratic Party.

When serial killer Jesse Matthews Jr. was captured for murdering several young white women, Vice-Mayor Bellamy lamented how it would reflect on his race. “It’s just tough being an African-American male now,” Bellamy told a Roanoke reporter. To hell with consoling the victims families or allaying the fears of the parents who send their children to school in our community. It’s all about how the PR of a black serial killer affects his racial agenda.

When the UVA basketball team took a knee à la Colin Kaepernick to protest the police, Wes Bellamy showed up to badmouth the Charlottesville PD and offer the official racial position of the Charlottesville City Council. You know: suppress public knowledge of crime statistics, there’s no such thing as personal accountability, ignore that police shoot more whites than blacks and if a criminal violently resists arrest we pretend like it didn’t happen.
With all these things in mind I looked into his Twitter for further evidence of anti-white bias and found many, many examples. It’s time the media did it’s job and held Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy to account for his anti-white racism and disrespect of our women.
You can contact the Charlottesville City Council at (434) 970-3113 or council@charlottesville.org
Local News:
Daily Progress (434) 978-7264 & news@dailyprogress.com
NBC 29: (434) 220-2900 Submit a story idea
CBS/Fox Newsplex (434) 220-7522 dan.schutte@newsplex.com
This guy actually teaches children too. You can e-mail the school board schoolboard@k12albemarle.org
Principal Thomas (434) 975-9300
Please tweet, email and spread to national figures as well.
Update… He’s locked down his account but you can find the archives of his tweets on the Internet Archive here, here, here, and here.

UPDATE 2: The Cavalier Daily has really outdone themselves by unearthing more tweets such as this gem.

It ain’t rape if she moan, know whut um sayin?
CREEPY BELLAMY. Here’s the Cav Daily article.
UPDATE 3: Sign the petition to Remove Wes Bellamy from City Council.
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