Author name: Jason Kessler

Jason Kessler is a journalist, activist and author from Charlottesville, Va. He’s known for the investigative reporting on his website which has been covered by outlets such as The Washington Post, The Daily Caller and The Daily Progress. He’s written a noir crime novel, Badland Blues and a book of poetry, Midnight Road. Jason holds a bachelors from the University of Virginia. In 2017 Jason founded the Unity and Security for America organization, a group dedicated to defending Western Civilization. He currently serves as president.

Israel, Israel, Israel: Trump Derangement on the Right

Exploring Trump derangement among nationalists who have decided that the Jewish Question trumps all other issues and have a one-dimensional analysis of the political situation boiling down to one word: Israel.

The Past is History. White Identity Futurism is Now.

White identity politics tends to the conservative and reactionary. Scientific progress tends to be viewed with skepticism. I propose instead that we embrace the future like Arthur pulling the sword from the stone.

Future Shock Ep. 1: The New Trump Era

Future Shock is the intersection of white identity politics and the cyberpunk dystopia. The revolt against the Great Replacement is in cyberspace.


UNBANNED… (5 Years Later)

The story of how I was unbanned on YouTube after a 5-year suspension and what I plan to do with