Week 3: The Great Optics Debate
The new lawsuit, why the UTR Anniversary Rally is a moral imperative. Plus my thoughts on peak optics and tactics for the rally.
The new lawsuit, why the UTR Anniversary Rally is a moral imperative. Plus my thoughts on peak optics and tactics for the rally.
Last week I promised some big news and I’m finally ready to deliver on a promise I made to you all back in November. Earlier today my attorney Elmer Woodard filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Charlottesville for denying my permit for the Unite the Right Anniversary Rally. We’re asking that the court recognize our first amendment rights and grant our permit for August 12th, 2018 rally in Lee Park.
This week I’ll be trying to dispel some of the myths and misconceptions about the James Fields incident including the misperception that Heather Heyer did not come into contact with the car.
This is the first episode of a weekly 24 episode podcast about the Unite the Right rally. In this episode I give an overview of things that we’ll be talking about over the span of the show including investigations into the government machinations to sabotage the first Unite the Right and some of the things you’ll need to know if you’re planning to attend the new rally.
The law firm of Boies, Schiller and Flexner has made a reputation taking on high-profile Democrat clients like accused rapist Harvey Weinstein. Now they’re trying to help Charlottesville Antifa.
New evidence has come to light exposing the life threatening danger James Fields was in before he drove through a crowd of armed protesters after Unite the Right.
it’s time we did some “cultural appropriation” of our own by adopting their civil rights meme to advance the interests of white people.
I’ve applied for a new permit at Charlottesville’s Lee Park for August 11th and 12th 2018 on the one year anniversary of Unite the Right. I fully expect the Charlottesville government to try and reject it and I’m ready for that fight.
Over the last few days I’ve been struggling with how to respond to the fact that Twitter verified my account
2 out of 3 charges against Christopher Cantwell were dropped in preliminary after it was found that witnesses made false
Jeff Fogel is a Black Lives Matter attorney who assaulted my friend on video and then confessed to it on
In case you haven’t heard the news, a black Sudanese immigrant opened fire around 11:15am Sunday morning in Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, Tn.