Jason Kessler

Week 4: Vindicated!

This week I explore the dramatic collapse of a politically motivated “perjury” charge levied against me by Albemarle prosecutor Robert Tracci meant to punish me for organizing the Unite the Right rally.


-my thoughts on wearing uniforms to rallies

-nonwhite allies at pro-white demonstrations

-seeking attorneys to act as legal observers

-City of Charlottesville offers a settlement to prevent further lawsuits

Lawsuit Filed for Unite the Right Anniversary Rally!

Last week I promised some big news and I’m finally ready to deliver on a promise I made to you all back in November. Earlier today my attorney Elmer Woodard filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Charlottesville for denying my permit for the Unite the Right Anniversary Rally. We’re asking that the court recognize our first amendment rights and grant our permit for August 12th, 2018 rally in Lee Park.

Back to Charlottesville (UTR Anniversary Rally)

I’ve applied for a new permit at Charlottesville’s Lee Park for August 11th and 12th 2018 on the one year anniversary of Unite the Right. I fully expect the Charlottesville government to try and reject it and I’m ready for that fight.