The public must demand a proportional response to the violence perpetrated against white parishioners by a black power radical named Emanuel K Samson.
In case you haven’t heard the news (and why would you with the relative silence from the national media), a black Sudanese immigrant opened fire around 11:15am Sunday morning in Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, Tn. Facebook photos show that BCCC is a majority white, mixed race congregation. So far all of the reported victims are white. (http://archive.is/6ygvI)
Representatives in Congress and the Senate, who were so quick to implement liberal policies after Dylann Roof and the car accident in Charlottesville, have remained deafeningly silent on this racially motivated attack.
With the Roof incident politicians took down the Confederate flag at the South Carolina Statehouse and Confederate monuments around the country. After Charlottesville (in which a car was attacked by rioters and sped into the crowd) legislation was passed with demands for funding to stop “white domestic terror”.

The gunman had posted a number of anti-white and black power affiliated political postings on his Facebook page. He references the controversy over alleged police racism numerous times and his profile header shows him “taking a knee” like in the recent NFL protests against Donald Trump and in support of Black Lives Matter.
On July 8th, 2016 Samson shared an RT story praising the New Black Panther Party for arming themselves with high caliber weapons in Austin, Texas. The RT post asks, “Why isn’t the media speaking on this? Afraid of it being contagious?” and then accentuates it “#Truth”.

The Incident
Witness Joe Love described the scene when Samson arrived and killed the first victim, “He shot the first lady in the back in the parking lot by that green Explorer, then he turned around, rolled her over, and shot her in the face.”

That lady was Melanie Smith Crow, 39, of Smyrna, TN.
Will her family raise a quarter of a million dollars cash the way that Heather Heyer’s family did? Will Crow’s mother become an international celebrity and go on the MTV Music Video Awards show like Heyer’s mother Susan Bro? Will celebrity musicians do a vainglorious Concert for Antioch the way that they did the Concert for Charlottesville?

Somehow I doubt it and that pisses me off.
Before his rampage was ended the gunman went on to shoot seven others including Burnette Chapel Minister Joey Spann and his wife Peggy, Linda Bush, William and Marlene Jenkins, and Katherine Dickerson.
The gunman shot himself in the leg during a struggle with a church usher Richard Caleb Engle (pictured below) in which he was ultimately subdued.

Reasonably, there are questions about Samson’s legal status. Police say he’s a legal resident but not a citizen. Why are people like Samson allowed into the country? What benefit do we gain from having them here? That’s a question a lot of people should be asking right now and asking their elected representatives.
Call your representatives now and demand that they treat anti-white crimes with the same gravity as other racially motivated crimes. While you’re at it tell them to support the RAISE ACT which decreases BOTH legal and illegal immigration into the country. Tell them you support Trump’s border wall for all the other victims of lax immigration enforcement and Trump’s travel ban on dangerous countries in Africa and the Middle East.
The US Capitol switchboard number is (202) 224-3121. Press 1 to reach your Senators and 2 for your Congressman.