I’ve applied for a new permit at Charlottesville’s Lee Park for August 11th and 12th, 2018 on the one year anniversary of Unite the Right. I fully expect the Charlottesville government to try and reject it and I’m ready for that fight.
Permit-PDFFirst, let me explain why I’m doing this. I simply will not allow these bastards to use the one year anniversary of the Charlottesville government violating a federal judge’s order and the US Constitution, in conjunction with violent Antifa groups, to further demonize activists.
What is going to be different: At Unite the Right I was just coming into my own as an event organizer and had faith in the Charlottesville Police Department to abide by the terms of the security arrangement and keep hostile groups separate. Obviously that is no longer the case. Whereas I once took it in good faith that authorities were keeping the security arrangements secret so that hostile groups like Antifa would not learn of the plans and therefore create a security risk, I now understand that they did that to screw us over. They did it to ENABLE the Antifa to attack us while claiming that WE actually screwed things up by not following the security plan…which oh-by-the-way they refuse to release to the public so people can judge for themselves.
This time I, and my attorneys, WILL DEMAND that they release these security arrangements to the public in advance so that all parties, both demonstrators and counter-demonstrators, know what is expected of them. Police will be here, we walk there, counter-demonstrators are required to be behind barricades and not attacking people on the way into the event, etc. We will also require the police to actually do their fucking jobs by demasking individuals violating the felony no mask law and disarming any individuals with illegal weapons like bricks, knives, flamethrowers and baseball bats. There is no place for thuggery at a free speech rally.
Lawyering up: Charlottesville is currently in the process of suing me for an injunction to keep me from doing further rallies. I’ve already retained attorneys to fight this thing. That’s already a major improvement in the legal representation of pro-white activists thus far. When I did UTR 1.0 I was flying by the seat of my pants from a legal perspective. I had no legal representation and was completely unprepared to fight Charlottesville attorneys until the ACLU stepped in to assist. Of course by now the ACLU has shown themselves to be cowards who would not hold Charlottesville accountable for violating the Federal Court judge’s order.
Now I have a real legal team that is committed to vigorously defending our constitutional rights. When Charlottesville rejects my permit, as I fully expect them to, we will push back. My attorneys will not allow government actors to do any secretive shenanigans to screw us over either. The rally will be orchestrated precisely with clear instructions for where everyone is supposed to go. And this bullshit where they are afraid to remove armed Antifa from the front of the venue will not fly this time around.
Better organization: The first time around I worked my ass off and did everything in my power to make sure everything went off without a hitch. However there were organizational issues I was not aware of.
I relied too much on existing infrastructure. I passed off a lot of the security to others. This conceded a lot of control over the event that I now regret. I had complete faith that they would do what was necessary to make sure EVERYONE was fully orchestrated and aware of risks. I don’t like that I didn’t have a megaphone on August 11th to warn marchers that Antifa were waiting for us at the base of the Thomas Jefferson statue. Another event organizer was given a megaphone and I had little to no control over the crowd.
The morning of August 12th I should have been notified that police didn’t show up to escort our VIPs. That was a huge red flag that I should have been able to use to warn people. I should have also been notified that the other event coordinator had stopped coordinating with some of the other groups days before the event. There was no coordination there and there absolutely should have been.
Lastly on this point, I assumed that because one of the Unite the Right speakers was a millionaire and has successfully challenged several universities in court that he would have connections, legal and otherwise, which we could have relied on. I thought he would be able to stop the city when they attempted to rescind our permit and punish them when they refused to honor the permit, acting instead to escalate tensions in order to shut it down. Obviously, since he didn’t immediately sue these bastards he doesn’t have the resources I thought he did. Well, now I have my own lawyers, they’re paid up, and we’re more than ready for legal warfare.
2. We were too lax about OpSec and how we allowed people associated with the event to behave. There is a rich culture of shocking and edgy humor associated with the movement. As a staunch first amendment advocate I took a very laissez faire approach to what people said on forums associated with UTR because I understood that things were said in jest. It’s a lot of fun to push the boundaries of acceptable discourse. However, outsiders don’t know or understand the culture. It’s scary for some of them and in the hands of Leftists can be deliberately misconstrued as threatening and malicious.
We all have to be much more professional with IRL activism going forward. There is a much different set of goals to accomplish when you’re in public. We have to be much more sincere and less LARPy because we’re not just doing this for shits and giggles. This is about saving our people from cultural and ethnic genocide.
We’re not far off from a virulently anti-white Democrat being elected who will open the borders and accelerate the demise of our people. We have to help awaken the ethnic consciousness of White Middle America so that they can stand up for their own interests before its too late. That is the number one priority. Any LARPing beyond that is unnecessary.
Why this is important: Even given the fact that we’ve had a huge learning experience and there are tangible ways we can prove to people that they are going to have a safe experience, there are still going to be risks. Some will say that we shouldn’t take those risks and remain behind our computers where we can continue to propagate dank memes and advance our arguments online.
We must have a presence in the streets of America. Let’s not kid ourselves about which way things could blow if this country collapses in the near future. The United States is not Poland, where 60,000 nationalists can proudly march in the street. In our country the proud Americans, the forgotten Americans, are intimidated into silence by the moral race panic of the elites. The second they stand up for themselves they’re called racists, misogynists, homophobes and transphobes until a vicious mob goes after their families and livelihoods.
Compare Poland to our country where hundreds of “ungratefuls” pour into the streets, obstruct traffic and riot every time an innocent cop is acquitted for using legitimate force.

Of course, memes and internet culture are fantastically important but we must also achieve the difficult goal of making our communities safe for us to have a voice. Imagine an America where the white citizens, descended from the founding stock of the country, cannot even advocate for their interest in public without fear of violent reprisal. That is the future we are abdicating towards our enemies when we relinquish the streets.
Make no mistake, the Democrats are going to be moving ever closer to the Revolutionary Communist attitudes of their grassroots. We cannot allow them to storm the streets of our country while we hide behind our sock accounts on the internet. We must project strength and be a viable mainstream alternative for the Forgotten American.
Finally, we cannot and should not allow our enemies to turn the anniversary of the day they violated our rights into some kind of propaganda victory where they continue to smear us with a distorted version of August 12th, 2017 and hold our attackers up as martyrs and heroes.
Commitment to Nonviolence: The rhetoric out there has really gotten out of hand on all sides. Clearly there is no love lost between pro-whites and those who want us wiped from the face of the Earth. We should know how to defend ourselves lawfully but we must avoid any violent confrontation at this rally whatsoever.
As it says so eloquently in Ecclesiastes 3:8, “There is a time for war and a time for peace.” We are not in a wartime atmosphere, although it may one day come to that. We are in a time of protest, of demanding civil rights for our people and winning hearts and minds. Our enemies have done such a thorough job indoctrinating the populace that even half of the white population hate themselves, actively work against the interests of their people and believe that the foundation of our nation is illegitimate because we “stole” our lands during the age of exploration and conquest.
We need to prove to them that we are the good guys. In my mind it is best to take every precaution to make ourselves safe in the first place but allow our enemies to strike the first blows if it comes to that. Show the world that we are a virtuous people and movement; that we are willing to take the abuse and still march forward in furtherance of our cause without becoming the aggressors.
…There you have it. We have 9 months to prepare ourselves. I don’t expect the same coalition as in 2017. Undoubtedly there may be hard feelings between different factions or people about woulda, shoulda, coulda but I hold no hard feelings about anyone who will shake my hand in friendship going forward.
We have a duty to our people and our nation to rise above pettiness and become the individuals that history requires us to be. See you in Charlottesville August 11th and 12th, 2018.