Week 6: Psychological Warfare

-Exposing the psychological operations employed against the Unite the Right coalition

-Please send me your email if you can contribute a monthly donation to the Unite the Right lawsuits (You can contact me at TheMadDimension@gmail.com)

-Also, send me your email if you’re coming to the rally

-Using the law to punish Leftists who go after your job, family and safety via doxxing

-If you’re injured at a rally go to a hospital and save your medical bill

-Another reason why you shouldn’t bring organizational flags to a rally

Week 4: Vindicated!

This week I explore the dramatic collapse of a politically motivated “perjury” charge levied against me by Albemarle prosecutor Robert Tracci meant to punish me for organizing the Unite the Right rally.


-my thoughts on wearing uniforms to rallies

-nonwhite allies at pro-white demonstrations

-seeking attorneys to act as legal observers

-City of Charlottesville offers a settlement to prevent further lawsuits


P.S. If you’re planning on coming to the rally please join the forum at JasonKessler.us/forum and send me an email address where I can contact you closer to time.

Week 2: Heather Heyer WAS hit by the car

This week I’ll be trying to dispel some of the myths and misconceptions about the James Fields incident including the misperception that Heather Heyer did not come into contact with the car.

James Fields Carrying a Vanguard America Shield

Puny sawhorse left behind after Charlottesville cops abandoned their post on 4th St.

The Challenger on Water St prior to the crash

Communist Dwayne Dixon with the AR-15 he used to chase James Fields prior to the accident

Dwayne Dixon at Harvard admitting to threatening James Fields with his semi-automatic rifle:


Purple Honda Odyssey that blocked traffic on 4th St

Woman who was driving the purple van. Later got out and started walking around.

Watch from 8:53 to see the woman who parked the purple van, blocking off 4th St:


Brake Lights Activated on the Dodge Challenger

Rear Attack on Car

Passenger side attack on the Challenger


Heather Heyer on August 12th

Heather Heyer in the center of 4th St

Neither of the two women splayed out on the hoods is Heather Heyer, despite similar body types.

Heather Heyer flying off the front of the Challenger

Don’t forget to subscribe and donateĀ to the legal defense fund.

Week 1: Introduction

This is the first episode of a weekly 24 episode podcast about the Unite the Right rally. It will run at least until August 12th, 2018, the date of the Anniversary Rally. In this episode I give an overview of things that we’ll be talking about over the span of the show including investigations into the government sabotage of the first Unite the Right and some of the things you’ll need to know if you’re planning to attend the new rally.

If you’d like to offer a question or comment for me to talk about on air leave a comment in the comments section below or send me a message on social media.

To donate to the Unite the Right legal fund go to JasonKessler.us/donate