Deposition of City Manager Maurice Jones Proves Charlottesville Narrative is a Lie

As a byproduct of my federal lawsuit against the City of Charlottesville for denying my August 12, 2018 UTR 2 permit application I recently had the opportunity to depose Charlottesville City Manager Maurice Jones under oath. (Read the deposition in full here)

In the Charlottesville form of government the City Manager is essentially a consigliere for the Mayor and City Council who makes important decisions on their behalf. I met with this guy 5 days before the original Unite the Right and voiced concerns about the potential for violence that echoed those made by DHS, the Virginia Fusion Center, and police departments across the nation: keep the sides separate!

Here are the highlights showing not only how my warning was ignored but how the Charlottesville government withdrew police protection of the event without warning at the 11th hour leading to riots, injury and death.

By the way, this narrative about the violence being caused by 10 speakers not coming in from the back of the park is a complete fiction as well. What they’re referring to is an agreement between Richard Spencer’s head of security Jack Pierce and Sgt. Newberry of the Charlottesville Police Department for speakers to come in from the Market St side along with general attendees.

You can hear this agreement reached between Pierce and Newberry here.

It’s worth noting that none of this had been run by myself or any other speakers besides Spencer. I was never told anything about coming in from the back of the park. The plan, as I knew it, was always to come in from the Market St side.

Finally, here is an admission from Maurice that members of City Council sought to deny the permit based on the content of the speech, violating the 1st Amendment and leaving them personally liable to future lawsuits.

Please help me to keep the legal effort going so we can depose all of the tyrants involved with sabotaging the US Constitution by sharing this post and spreading the word.

Lawsuit Filed for Unite the Right Anniversary Rally!

Last week I teased some big news and here it is! I’m finally ready to deliver on a promise I made to you all back in November. On Tuesday, my attorney Elmer Woodard filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Charlottesville for denying my permit for the Unite the Right Anniversary Rally. We’re asking that the court recognize our first amendment rights and grant our permit for August 12th, 2018 rally in Lee Park.

(NOTE: This lawsuit is not related to the counterclaims we plan to file in the Sines v. Kessler or Charlottesville v. Lightfoot Militia cases. Those will be released at the tactically proper time.)

As you may remember, the Charlottesville government attempted to deny the permit back on December 11th. It was the first permit application ever rejected in Charlottesville history (although they also rejected several other applications for August 12th filed in response to mine). Among the reasons cited for the rejection was the city’s inability to “keep opposing sides separate and…leave a clear path into the event without fear of violence.” A highly dubious claim considering that other localities around the country have been doing this for years.

The denial letter also claimed that, “the application likely underestimates the number of participants.” Just like last year I listed attendance on the application as 400, which was a fairly decent estimate. During my research for this lawsuit I was able to pull up several permit applications for multiculturalism festivals held in Lee Park including the ‘Festival of Cultures’ (estimated attendance 3,000) and ‘Cville Pride’ (estimated attendance 4,000!). Of course, the key difference is that white rights aren’t allowed a platform but white replacement is. This is where the Charlottesville government’s fixation on removing the Robert E Lee monument gets to the heart of the matter.

An example of the kind of event Charlottesville will grant a 4,000 attendee permit for in Lee Park (Cville Pride 2016)

They also cited a time frame in which the park was partially closed (they’ve never used that as a reason to deny before and have always politely corrected and approved other applicants) as well as an unconstitutional request for insurance.

Excerpt from the denial letter

I’ve struggled through enormous personal adversity and financial cost to ensure that we have an opportunity to do this thing over again and do it right. Late last year an Independent Review commissioned by the City Council itself found that Charlottesville failed to protect either public safety or free speech rights at the original Unite the Right. In fact, the denial of our rights was a stated objective and former Police Chief Al Thomas told his subordinates, “Let them fight. It will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly.”

From the Heaphy Report

Instead of less than a week to litigate this permit issue (like last time) we’re going to start this process 5 months in advance. Hopefully the result will be much less uncertainty in the time leading up to the rally and a clear set of instructions about what is expected from police and attendees.

All Americans who believe in the Constitution should support the rights of Unite the Right activists. We cannot allow a precedent to be set where a government can trample on our rights, blame us for it and we take it lying down. I’m sure that part of the calculus in sabotaging the original rally came down to a concerted decision on the part of City Council that paying astronomical legal fees would be worth stopping us from being able to speak. Well, that has failed and one way or the other we’re coming back.

We must not conduct this rally with the same naivete we had before. Anyone attending should be aware of not only how vital it is for upholding our rights but also the dire consequences of bad behavior. Regardless… a wiser, more veteran group of the most dedicated activists in America will be in Lee Park August 12th. We will not allow ourselves to be subjugated by our would-be oppressors. They’ve thrown everything they had at us in the aftermath of UTR and they have failed.

Read our lawsuit below and donate to support our ongoing civil rights litigation.

Permit Complaint 2018


Be sure to subscribe to the Official Unite the Right Podcast for all the latest news and information on the rally. I’m hoping to make this a much more transparent process this time around and I’ll be happy to answer your questions on the air.

Exposing the Wealth & Power Behind Unite the Right Lawsuits

Antifa activists claiming “emotional distress” and other ailments from the August 12th Unite the Right rally have hired an infamous Democrat law firm to “demand” information from Twitter on popular Alt-Right accounts and hashtags.

This could just be the first step in an invasive discovery phase played out across several social media companies hosting Alt-Right accounts.

I received the email from Twitter Friday afternoon informing me that Boies, Schiller and Flexner had sent them a list of “demands” and that Twitter “may be obligated to produce basic subscriber information related to your account in the future”.

Attached to the email was a legal document (see below) demanding information on my own account as well those of Identity Europa, Mike Enoch, Eric Striker, Michael Hill, Matt Heimbach, The Proud Boys and several others. These were all either groups and people who attended the rally or voiced support for it in some capacity.

Additionally they want a catalogue of tweets using popular hashtags like #ItsOkayToBeWhite, #DailyStormer, #FreeCantwell and #UniteTheRight. It’s not immediately clear why these attorneys couldn’t just use the search function like everyone else. They seem to have a nigh infinite amount of money and resources to waste on inefficiencies and overstaffing.

Twitter Legal Process


Who is the law firm representing Antifa?

The law firm of Boies, Schiller and Flexner has made a reputation taking on high-profile Democrat clients like accused rapist Harvey Weinstein. They’ve also represented a number of powerful Leftwing people, organizations and causes such as the NFL, Al Gore and gay marriage. On the latter issue, they argued before the Supreme Court to have California’s Proposition 8 gay marriage ban struck down.

They were also hired by the City of Charlottesville in a failed effort to rescind my permit for Unite the Right (see: Jason Kessler v. City of Charlottesville).

Now they’ve gone back to the same well by representing a collection of Antifas and anti-white racial activists in a $3 million lawsuit against Unite the Right organizers, speakers and attendees (Sines et al. v Jason Kessler et al.).

The lead plaintiff is a UVA student named Elizabeth Sines who claims to have been emotionally disturbed after witnessing the Unite the Right rally. Glamour Magazine quoted her as saying she, “hopped into her car and drove the 10 minutes from her off-campus apartment to the center of the action.”

Sines wears her cringingly self-righteous liberal platitudes like a badge of honor. Her Twitter account proclaims, “This is what a feminist looks like” while her Facebook cover features a meme from the Anne Frank Center stating, “We replaced you,” a dig at the popular “You will not replace us” chant used by opponents of mass third world immigration. Curiously, not too many brown people in that photograph.

Here is the video she took from the night of the torch march:

Who is bankrolling this?

An organization called Integrity First for America claims to be funding the lawsuit. On their website they describe themselves as, “a nonpartisan nonprofit organization dedicated to holding America’s leaders accountable when their actions threaten longstanding principles of our democracy.”

However, despite claims to being “nonpartisan” the group, which formed late last year, has spent its time attacking Donald Trump’s business ventures and was spearheaded by Roberta Kaplan who Politico calls a “liberal icon”. Kaplan is a Jewish lesbian attorney who argued before the Supreme Court in the ruling that struck down the gay marriage ban.


Integrity First’s Twitter account is filled with attacks on President Trump  and continuously uses the term “Nazi” as an ethnic slur for white people. They often deploy their ubiquitous catchphrase #SueANazi, as a play on the Punch a Nazi meme which cropped up after a prominent White Nationalist was assaulted in Washington D.C.

Editor’s Note: Many of Kaplan’s tweets, including this one, were deleted after the original publication of this article.

Interestingly, a source embedded in the Virginia political system told me that these words and actions might constitute a violation of Integrity First’s nonpartisanship requirement as a 501c3. If that nonprofit status were rescinded it could mean that the Integrity First would owe exorbitant sums of money in back taxes and their donors would not be eligible for a write-off.

CLICK HERE For more on how to report a 501c3 to the IRS

Integrity First spokesman Brett Edkins claims that the group has, “already raised $2 million from large donors.” He also claims that they’ll be seeking small “grassroots” contributions in the future but for now that doesn’t seem to be a priority.

Their board of directors are all uber-wealthy investment types: Monica Graham, a hedge fund manager at Graham Partners, Dmitri Melhorn, a partner at the Vidinovo investment network and Susie Buell, founder of the Esprit clothing company and a venture capitalist.

We also know that Integrity First is receiving support from the SPLC who Kaplan claims helps them “track down the Nazis” being served by their civil litigation.

From there the trail goes somewhat cold because we have no way of tracking who is making these multi-million dollar contributions to this fly-by-night nonprofit. Suffice to say it’s most likely a usual assortment of elite America-hating Bolsheviks.

(UPDATE: $1 million dollar donation confirmed from Reid Hoffman, Jewish billionaire and founder of LinkedIn.)

Now that you know what we’re up against please help support the difficult and irreplaceable journalistic work I’m doing by contributing a small monthly donation through Zyniker Law.

You can fight the powerful interests suing Unite the Right participants and go on offense by buying one of these limited edition t-shirts and bumper stickers available FOR 10 MORE DAYS!


James Fields Was Chased With a Semi-Automatic Rifle Before Crash

Dwayne Dixon carrying his AR-15 about a block from the scene of the James Fields incident

New evidence has come to light exposing the life threatening danger James Fields was in before he drove through a crowd of armed protesters after Unite the Right.

As many of you are aware there is already evidence that Fields’ Dodge Challenger was struck by a heavy stick before he accelerated into the crowd.

Fields’ Dodge Challenger being attacked by an unknown assailant Charlottesville Police refuse to identify

What has not been revealed until recently is that members of the Antifa group Redneck Revolt were chasing him up 4th St with semiautomatic weapons, prior to the crash.

This new information came to light after weapons and ammunition supplier Spike’s Tactical created a viral ad capitalizing on recent demonstrations in Charlottesville, Berkeley, Boston and Portland.

Dwayne Dixon, a member of the revolutionary Communist group Redneck Revolt, used this opportunity to taunt both Spike’s Tactical and James Fields in a now-deleted comment.

“I take a perverse pleasure in having carried this Spike’s lower in defense of Justice Park on August 12th. I used this rifle to chase off James Fields from our block of 4th St before he attacked the marchers to the south.”

As you can see on this map below, it’s only one block down a one way street to get from the “Justice Park” area, where Dixon claims to have chased Fields, to the Market St intersection where the crash occurred.

In Virginia, a person can use deadly force to defend his or her person from a “reasonable fear of death or great bodily harm.” Wouldn’t being chased with a semi-automatic rifle or surrounded by a crowd of rioters with baseball bats cause “fear of death or bodily harm”? What if the armed rioters hit the back of your vehicle with one of these weapons, creating a loud bang like a gunshot?

Clearly there were many masked, armed individuals who had been allowed to march and surround vehicles during a State of Emergency. It’s okay though because they’re Leftists and in Charlottesville cops let them get away with anything they please. Laws are only for maliciously prosecuting “Nazis” to cover up your own negligence.

Did I mention that a recent Independent Investigation found that a Charlottesville police officer who was supposed to have been blockading traffic on the street abandoned her post? No wonder CPD doesn’t want to do a thorough investigation. They’ve come to a conclusion which they can’t allow to be proven false, or else the blame falls squarely on their shoulders.

For more info on Dwayne Dixon and his Redneck Revolt check out this video by ABC News in which his crew admit to using violence to suppress free speech rights (kind of a theme at Unite the Right).

Donate to my lawsuit against the City of Charlottesville by mailing cash or check to my attorney at:

Kolenich Law Office
9435 Waterstone Blvd. #140
Cincinnati, OH 45249

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The Alt Right Should Be A White Civil Rights Movement

Resistance is Futile Goy

The Left has done an excellent job appropriating white European culture to subvert the core identity of our nations. Hollywood is now casting black actors to portray famous European characters like Sherlock Holmes and Achilles as if to say, “One day it will be as if there never were any white countries. People will think this is the way its always been.” I think our response should be to do some “cultural appropriation” of our own by adopting their civil rights memes to advance the interests of white people.

While identitarians have already made paeans to Leftist protest tactics outlined in Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ we’ve yet to successfully model ourselves after the greatest embodiment of those tactics, the so-called Civil Rights Movement. Within constitutional democratic systems the nonviolent civil rights strategy has unquestionably been a resoundingly successful tactic for creating radical societal change in Western countries.

There’s no doubt in my mind that a primary hurdle to successfully adopting these tactics is the desire among many in the movement for a fascistic style of government. Many believe society has become so sick and degenerate that a heavy hand is needed to set its course straight again. I’m personally more of a Classical Liberal but I don’t want to debate that point. I’d rather focus on the fact that we’re not going to get anywhere trying to use brute force as dissidents in a Constitutional Democracy. Because we live in a nation of laws the best way to advance our agenda is by learning to follow those laws and game the system. That is essentially what a civil rights movement does.

We need to fulfill the true promise of the Alt-Right by creating a movement capable of broad social upheaval akin to what the Left accomplished in the 1960’s but in reverse. This means we should be creating a new counter-culture including not just memes and rhetoric but social activism and creative arts like music and film to reflect a pro-white message. Note that these messages don’t have to be so heavy-handed in art. The most refined Hollywood propaganda often pushes its worldview upon the viewer through subtle means like casting decisions and subtext.

Obviously the goals of the pro-white civil rights movement will be different: affirming the rights of white nations to exist like other nations, rejecting the messages of anti-white propaganda and fighting for our first amendment rights (not only in traditional public venues but in the spirit it was intended across privately owned platforms on the internet).

Compare the similarity of these two images (there is no doubt the power is now in the hands of an anti-white establishment):

Me being arrested on May 14th, 2017 for using a bullhorn when several anti-white activists favored by the city government were allowed to use bullhorns.

Rosa Parks being arrested in December 1955.

Some may say that the civil rights model doesn’t go far enough. I don’t claim that it does. However it does create an organizational framework by which white advocacy can institutionalize itself without being branded a criminal organization which exists for street fighting with Antifa. There are those who feel that making any move which does not lead to total victory over our enemy is not worth taking. I disagree. There are many intermediary steps required along the path to total victory. By accomplishing one goal you set yourself up for the next, larger goal.

For instance, by leading a peaceful & successful rally at Unite the Right 2 on August 11-12th, 2018 we reaffirm our 1st amendment right to assemble and advocate for the interests of our people, even in one of the most hostile anti-white enclaves in America. By demonstrating that we are a legitimate advocacy movement we can move on to organizing on college campuses and perhaps a Congressional White Caucus. Whenever our enemies try to deny us our rights to speak and assemble as whites, the way that other groups are allowed, we will fight them in court and set new precedents in support of our people.

We really have a strong position if we dedicate ourselves to nonviolent white advocacy. Our enemies in Antifa groups have vowed to use violence to shut down our first amendment protected activities. No matter how much the media cheers them on for this behavior the law is the law. While employing the civil rights strategy the last thing we want to do is give away that strategic legal advantage by using violence against them. We should exercise restraint which will allow us to punish our enemies in the press and in the courtroom for months after the event itself has ended.

Finally we should endeavor to create more cultural events where people can hang out and socialize free from interference by Antifa. The primary perception of our movement should not be that we exist to be in opposition to anti-whites but that we have an independent value of existing to support one another as a people. For instance, I’m a big proponent of us having a pro-white Woodstock type festival with music, comedy and other cultural elements. It should be an opportunity for people to relax and have a good time; something that a college student might go to and invite their friends so that they can learn more about us in person rather than through MSM propaganda.

Compare the iconography of these images which send a subtextual message about what it means to be an American:

Leftist media liked to juxtapose MLK with US flags to symbolize that the civil rights movement was redefining what it meant to be an American. Nonwhites were “more American” than the white people who founded the country.

Today we have our own heroes ready to take the mantle of our people like Nationalist activist & politican Augustus Sol Invictus

I’m not saying that the white civil rights strategy is the only one we as a movement should adhere to. But when you’re at an event that is modeled as such we should adhere to that formula and not mix strategies too much. For instance, people should have a right to arm and defend themselves against tyranny.  Yet when you’re at a civil rights styled event the primary purpose should not be showing off your militaristic defense capabilities. The objective should be fostering public sympathy rather than striking fear in the hearts of our enemies. Besides, they’ll fear us no matter what we do.

Consider this as we prepare ourselves over the next 7 months for the Unite the Right Anniversary rally. With the upcoming legal battles against the city of Charlottesville and against college campuses across the nation we have a golden opportunity to advance our agenda through peaceful activism, cultural creativity and litigious warfare. When you expand the definition of white civil rights to include a right to exist and the dismantlement of the white genocide agenda we have a broad enough focus that we can accomplish real, demonstrable gains for our people.

I’d like to think this is the beginning of a conversation about opening these tactics up to our people and memeing ourselves as the new civil rights movement. In future posts I hope to elucidate the urgent need to have capable movement photographers to capture our iconic images, specific protest tactics (other than Unite the Right 2) and to explain why we should consider a robust commitment towards complete nonviolence as a protest tactic.

We Wuz Civil Rights n Sheeeeit

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Back to Charlottesville (UTR Anniversary Rally)


I’ve applied for a new permit at Charlottesville’s Lee Park for August 11th and 12th, 2018 on the one year anniversary of Unite the Right. I fully expect the Charlottesville government to try and reject it and I’m ready for that fight.

Unite the Right 2 PDF


First, let me explain why I’m doing this. I simply will not allow these bastards to use the one year anniversary of the Charlottesville government violating a federal judge’s order and the US Constitution, in conjunction with violent Antifa groups, to further demonize activists.

What is going to be different: At Unite the Right I was just coming into my own as an event organizer and had faith in the Charlottesville Police Department to abide by the terms of the security arrangement and keep hostile groups separate. Obviously that is no longer the case. Whereas I once took it in good faith that authorities were keeping the security arrangements secret so that hostile groups like Antifa would not learn of the plans and therefore create a security risk, I now understand that they did that to screw us over. They did it to ENABLE the Antifa to attack us while claiming that WE actually screwed things up by not following the security plan…which oh-by-the-way they refuse to release to the public so people can judge for themselves.

This time I, and my attorneys, WILL DEMAND that they release these security arrangements to the public in advance so that all parties, both demonstrators and counter-demonstrators, know what is expected of them. Police will be here, we walk there, counter-demonstrators are required to be behind barricades and not attacking people on the way into the event, etc. We will also require the police to actually do their fucking jobs by demasking individuals violating the felony no mask law and disarming any individuals with illegal weapons like bricks, knives, flamethrowers and baseball bats. There is no place for thuggery at a free speech rally.

Lawyering up: Charlottesville is currently in the process of suing me for an injunction to keep me from doing further rallies. I’ve already retained attorneys to fight this thing. That’s already a major improvement in the legal representation of pro-white activists thus far. When I did UTR 1.0 I was flying by the seat of my pants from a legal perspective. I had no legal representation and was completely unprepared to fight Charlottesville attorneys until the ACLU stepped in to assist. Of course by now the ACLU has shown themselves to be cowards who would not hold Charlottesville accountable for violating the Federal Court judge’s order.

Now I have a real legal team that is committed to vigorously defending our constitutional rights. When Charlottesville rejects my permit, as I fully expect them to, we will push back. My attorneys will not allow government actors to do any secretive shenanigans to screw us over either. The rally will be orchestrated precisely with clear instructions for where everyone is supposed to go. And this bullshit where they are afraid to remove armed Antifa from the front of the venue will not fly this time around.

Better organization: The first time around I worked my ass off and did everything in my power to make sure everything went off without a hitch. However there were organizational issues I was not aware of.

I relied too much on existing infrastructure. I passed off a lot of the security to others. This conceded a lot of control over the event that I now regret. I had complete faith that they would do what was necessary to make sure EVERYONE was fully orchestrated and aware of risks. I don’t like that I didn’t have a megaphone on August 11th to warn marchers that Antifa were waiting for us at the base of the Thomas Jefferson statue. Another event organizer was given a megaphone and I had little to no control over the crowd.

The morning of August 12th I should have been notified that police didn’t show up to escort our VIPs. That was a huge red flag that I should have been able to use to warn people. I should have also been notified that the other event coordinator had stopped coordinating with some of the other groups days before the event. There was no coordination there and there absolutely should have been.

Lastly on this point, I assumed that because one of the Unite the Right speakers was a millionaire and has successfully challenged several universities in court that he would have connections, legal and otherwise, which we could have relied on. I thought he would be able to stop the city when they attempted to rescind our permit and punish them when they refused to honor the permit, acting instead to escalate tensions in order to shut it down. Obviously, since he didn’t immediately sue these bastards he doesn’t have the resources I thought he did. Well, now I have my own lawyers, they’re paid up, and we’re more than ready for legal warfare.

2. We were too lax about OpSec and how we allowed people associated with the event to behave. There is a rich culture of shocking and edgy humor associated with the movement. As a staunch first amendment advocate I took a very laissez faire approach to what people said on forums associated with UTR because I understood that things were said in jest. It’s a lot of fun to push the boundaries of acceptable discourse. However, outsiders don’t know or understand the culture. It’s scary for some of them and in the hands of Leftists can be deliberately misconstrued as threatening and malicious.

We all have to be much more professional with IRL activism going forward. There is a much different set of goals to accomplish when you’re in public. We have to be much more sincere and less LARPy because we’re not just doing this for shits and giggles. This is about saving our people from cultural and ethnic genocide.

We’re not far off from a virulently anti-white Democrat being elected who will open the borders and accelerate the demise of our people. We have to help awaken the ethnic consciousness of White Middle America so that they can stand up for their own interests before its too late. That is the number one priority. Any LARPing beyond that is unnecessary.

Why this is important: Even given the fact that we’ve had a huge learning experience and there are tangible ways we can prove to people that they are going to have a safe experience, there are still going to be risks. Some will say that we shouldn’t take those risks and remain behind our computers where we can continue to propagate dank memes and advance our arguments online.

We must have a presence in the streets of America. Let’s not kid ourselves about which way things could blow if this country collapses in the near future. The United States is not Poland, where 60,000 nationalists can proudly march in the street. In our country the proud Americans, the forgotten Americans, are intimidated into silence by the moral race panic of the elites. The second they stand up for themselves they’re called racists, misogynists, homophobes and transphobes until a vicious mob goes after their families and livelihoods.

Compare Poland to our country where hundreds of “ungratefuls” pour into the streets, obstruct traffic and riot every time an innocent cop is acquitted for using legitimate force.

Polish Nationalist rally 2017

St Louis unrest September 16th, 2017

Of course, memes and internet culture are fantastically important but we must also achieve the difficult goal of making our communities safe for us to have a voice. Imagine an America where the white citizens, descended from the founding stock of the country, cannot even advocate for their interest in public without fear of violent reprisal. That is the future we are abdicating towards our enemies when we relinquish the streets.

Make no mistake, the Democrats are going to be moving ever closer to the Revolutionary Communist attitudes of their grassroots. We cannot allow them to storm the streets of our country while we hide behind our sock accounts on the internet. We must project strength and be a viable mainstream alternative for the Forgotten American.

Finally, we cannot and should not allow our enemies to turn the anniversary of the day they violated our rights into some kind of propaganda victory where they continue to smear us with a distorted version of August 12th, 2017 and hold our attackers up as martyrs and heroes.

Commitment to Nonviolence: The rhetoric out there has really gotten out of hand on all sides. Clearly there is no love lost between pro-whites and those who want us wiped from the face of the Earth. We should know how to defend ourselves lawfully but we must avoid any violent confrontation at this rally whatsoever.

As it says so eloquently in Ecclesiastes 3:8, “There is a time for war and a time for peace.” We are not in a wartime atmosphere, although it may one day come to that. We are in a time of protest, of demanding civil rights for our people and winning hearts and minds. Our enemies have done such a thorough job indoctrinating the populace that even half of the white population hate themselves, actively work against the interests of their people and believe that the foundation of our nation is illegitimate because we “stole” our lands during the age of exploration and conquest.

We need to prove to them that we are the good guys. In my mind it is best to take every precaution to make ourselves safe in the first place but allow our enemies to strike the first blows if it comes to that. Show the world that we are a virtuous people and movement; that we are willing to take the abuse and still march forward in furtherance of our cause without becoming the aggressors.

…There you have it. We have 9 months to prepare ourselves. I don’t expect the same coalition as in 2017. Undoubtedly there may be hard feelings between different factions or people about woulda, shoulda, coulda but I hold no hard feelings about anyone who will shake my hand in friendship going forward.

We have a duty to our people and our nation to rise above pettiness and become the individuals that history requires us to be. See you in Charlottesville August 11th and 12th, 2018.

Statement On Twitter Verification Controversy

Over the last few days I’ve been struggling with how to respond to the fact that Twitter verified my account and then changed their terms of service to justify unverifying me along with a number of others following subsequent outrage from the press. It does feel like a slap in the face for a giant megacorp to quash the user agreement I enrolled with them under simply to appease a mob stoked by activist journalists.

The initial verification was heartening to me because I am a public figure, I have been impersonated and I’ve faced enormous hardship in order to get my opinions into the public square. The fact is that I had followed the terms of service: never engaging in harassment campaigns or using ethnic slurs. I simply stated my opinions, which are fairly moderate in comparison to others on both the right and left. This goes in the face of the narrative that my detractors were peddling about me: that I’m filled with hate, that I’m a Neo-Nazi or white supremacist, that I planned violence against anyone or that I’m personally responsible for the death of Heather Heyer.

But facts don’t matter so much as emotions. And its clear many people hate me. I’m sent death threats and entreaties to kill myself through social media on a daily basis. Many target their hatred against me for being a white man, assuming that if I don’t crawl into a fetal position to apologize for my race that I should have no voice.

The truth of all these things is highly dubious. Like over 50% of white Americans I felt mistreated in today’s society. I wanted to hold a rally to encourage white folks to have a voice and be proud of their heritage. I got a permit to hold a rally in my hometown of Charlottesville and worked tirelessly with police for two months to facilitate an environment where right-wing and centrist demonstrators could rally in peace at Lee Park while the inevitable Left-wing protestors could also protest in peace, but segregated safely behind a line of police or barricades.

The city government of Charlottesville had other plans and aborted the safety measures on the day of the rally. This led to a highly chaotic environment where people were getting into fights and panicked individuals who’d parked in the area did not know how to leave the area. This is what I believe happened with James Fields: he got lost in a strange city while trying to drive away from an event which had unexpectedly ended before it began, got trapped behind some other cars while armed left-wing demonstrators were blocking the road and panicked when someone hit his car with a weapon.

Of course the city didn’t apologize for creating these chaotic conditions. They blamed everything on me while an obliging media was only too happy to ignore the real story about police standing down and allowing chaos to spiral into violence and death.

This leads me back to my problem with Big Tech. They’re placed in between law enforcement who know that I did nothing wrong but don’t want to incur public wrath by saying so and the media who frame it as if I’m a genocidal terrorist. So they take things into their own hands to censor, smear and otherwise punish me for things I did not do.

My website, (which used to be the #1 Google search result for my name) was removed from the web by Weebly, a San Francisco based tech firm. The domain name which I’d purchased was seized. This was effectively the greatest censorship I faced because I couldn’t get my side of the story out to a wide audience right as all these media hit pieces were coming out about me. On top of that I had trouble raising money to mount a legal defense against the false accusations because Paypal shut down both of my accounts. Any platform which I used to raise money was bombarded by an outraged mob which didn’t want me to be able to defend myself and wanted me dead. My phone number and social media accounts were publicly listed and I received thousands of death threats and insults. For this reason I also had to leave my home of 15 years because of reporters and hostile people stalking my premises night and day.

YouTube demonetized most of my videos, my car insurance was temporarily cancelled and my credit score mysteriously fell 39 points to 666 overnight. I shut down my Instagram because it was flooded with hundreds of messages from people insulting everything from my looks to my race, calling me a murderer and wishing for me to die or be violently raped in increasingly disturbing and bizarre scenarios. On top of that OkCupid banned me for life and my employer was no longer able to send me out to work.

The final nail in the coffin was the revocation of my Twitter verification. There’s absolutely nothing to be accomplished by continuing to supply these platforms which hate my guts with fresh content. Going forward I’m going to be looking at supplying my content to alt-tech, anti-censorship platforms like Gab, VK and PewTube. Even if it means a reduction in my total viewership it will give me the peace of mind that I’m not contributing to the business models of platforms authoritarian Left-wing corporations subject to dictates of the mob.

To the extent that I still use platforms like Twitter it will only be to link to my content on other sites like or Gab. Be sure to follow me @TheMadDimension on Gab.

Complete Cantwell Preliminary Trial Rundown

2 out of 3 charges against Christopher Cantwell were dropped in preliminary after it was found that witnesses made false testimony.

Instead of charging said witnesses with perjury prosecutor Robert Tracci excused it as “what they believed to be true at the time” and tried to change his entire argument to keep pressing the charges.

Cantwell is still being held until trial on 1 charge of “illegal use of gas”. Judge seemed to buy defense argument that pepper spray was used in self-defense but found that it could not be dismissed in a preliminary motion.

The trial started off with an attorney for Vice News asking to allow cameras into the courtroom. In a singular moment of agreement, both the prosecutor and defense counsel Elmer Woodard agreed that it would create an unsafe and hostile environment for witnesses (Note: this was further corroborated by accounts of over a dozen Antifa pointing out witnesses and saying that they would remember their faces).

The judge denied the motion. Vice anchor Elle Reeve was later asked to leave the courtroom for turning on her phone and using it in the chamber.

Defense attorney Woodard opened up the proceedings like a man on fire. Prosecutor Tracci wanted a brief session in which the judge certified the three felony charges against Cantwell for illegal use of a gas, illegal use of a gas with malice, and unlawful injury by means of a toxic substance.. However based on his theory that the charges were politically motivated and based on false testimony, Woodard dragged it out into a 6 hour trial on whether there was even probable cause to allow charges to go to trial.

The crux of the argument came from a false statement by known Confederate hater Kristopher Goad of Richmond Virginia. In his sworn statement before the magistrate Goad had claimed that Cantwell sprayed him directly in the face. This turned out to be false. In fact, even Goad had admitted to the prosecutor that he only brought charges after being told that Cantwell had sprayed him by Cantwell’s other accuser, Antifa activist Emily Gorcenski. Woodard pointed out that Goad and Gorcenski are political enemies of the accused and had likely colluded to bring false charges against him for that reason.

Goad changed his story to say that he’d been indirectly affected when Cantwell sprayed someone else and he felt “stinging in his eyes” from overspray. Both Goad and Prosecutor Robert Tracci admitted that prior to trial they became aware that the actual sprayer was a “man with a dragon tattoo” who evidently was not a political target for Goad or Gorcenski as they did not pursue charges. Despite this information, not only did Tracci not pursue perjury charges against Goad but tried to adapt his line of prosecution so that he could continue to pursue Cantwell despite knowing that the original warrant was based on false testimony.

A recurring theme of the trial became the political agenda of ostensibly Republican Commonwealth Attorney Robert Tracci. Remember that Cantwell was originally granted bond. Tracci made the highly unusual move of stepping in to shop for a new judge and appeal that bond. At the new hearing, Tracci played clips of Cantwell’s controversial Radical Agenda podcast, convincing the judge that Cantwell’s “hate speech” made him a danger to society. (Note: there is no such thing as “hate speech” laws. So-called “hate speech” is protected speech by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.)

Tracci tried on several occasions to put Cantwell’s politics on trial. Defense attorney Woodard objected on grounds that it had nothing to do with whether Cantwell illegally pepper-sprayed someone. The judge sustained the objection and said he didn’t want to bring politics into it. Immediately after this ruling Robert Tracci continued to try and talk about Cantwell’s political beliefs from different angles and was thoroughly reprimanded by the judge.

At several points, Tracci became visibly upset, embarrassed and red-faced with anger. In one revealing moment he asked a witness about his opinion of the prosecution. “Do you feel that I’m politically motivated? That Mr. Cantwell is a political prisoner?” The judge barred this line of questioning.

The second accuser, Emily Gorcenski, took the stand and didn’t fair much better. Gorcenski also claimed to have been indirectly effected by Cantwell’s use of pepper spray. However the video this individual claimed was the, “best video of what happened” did not show Gorcenski anywhere near Cantwell when he deployed the spray. Gorcenski continued to insist that it did even though Woodard went through the video meticulously frame by frame showing that not to be true.

When confronted with the fact that there were at least four other pepper spray incidents happening around the same time the night of August 11th Gorcenski admitted that it did not know Cantwell was the one who had caused a “sensation” with indirect spray but felt that he was “most likely” the culprit.

The actual person Cantwell sprayed was referred to by the prosecution as “Mister Beanie Man”. He has not come forward. Nevertheless several witnesses testified that Cantwell was justified in using pepper spray on him in self-defense. Beanie Man was allegedly fighting with a man in a white wife beater who knocked him to the ground. Then he hopped to his feet in a fighting stance heading towards Cantwell. It was testified that he had perhaps 4 or 5 angry Antifa joining him in his charge.

Prosecutor Robert Tracci tried to invalidate one witness’ testimony because he didn’t refer to Gorcenski, who is a transexual, by Gorcenski’s preferred gender pronoun. Supposedly calling the witness “he” instead of “she” showed bias that made his testimony inadmissible. The judge didn’t buy this line of argument.

In summation, Woodard offered a passionate argument for the right to self-defense saying, “I’ve never seen a Commonwealth Attorney in my entire career who believed in the right to self-defense.” He also pointed out that accuser Gorcenski had been stalking Cantwell throughout the day of August 11th: following him to a private meet-up at a Wal-Mart parking lot and taking pictures, then following him to the torch march where Gorcenski taunted him, “How did your Wal-Mart meet-up go?”

Woodard said, “She wanted Cantwell to know that she was stalking him!”

Because of both the false statements and the uncertainty caused by so many people using pepper spray at the same time, the most serious charges of malicious use of gas and unlawful bodily injury were dropped due to lack of probable cause to move to trial. Despite the judge acknowledging the right to self-defense he found that the final charge would have to be adjudicated in a trial.

No word yet on a follow-up court date or when Cantwell might be allowed another bond hearing.

No Justice with Jeff Fogel in Charlottesville’s Kangaroo Court

Jeff Fogel is a Black Lives Matter attorney who assaulted my friend on video and then confessed to it on camera in front of a police officer while he was running for Commonwealth’s Attorney. The Kangaroo Court system in Charlottesville found a way to get him off with a not guilty verdict.

The situation involved a night where my friends and I were minding our own business eating dinner at Miller’s on the Charlottesville Downtown Mall. Fogel and a woman named Nancy Carpenter showed up and were eyeballing us. Shortly thereafter a mob of of protesters from a group called SURJ showed up and screamed at us for a good 15-20 minutes calling us “Nazis” and telling us we had to leave. Yes, us the paying customers.

My friends and I got up to confront Fogel, who was one of the ringleaders. This is when we caught him on video pushing my friend.

As if that wasn’t enough Fogel stalked his victim to the police department when he went to file the police report and CONFESSED ON VIDEO TO A POLICE OFFICER!

Fogel changed his story several times about his reason for being at the restaurant.

At first he claims in The Daily Progress that he was just there “enjoying a delicious hamburger”.
Inline image 1

Then when he was talking with a worshipful reporter at The Intercept he acknowledges that he came along with SURJ to confront me and my friends.

Inline image 2

He even had the nerve to tell Intercept that my friend had assaulted him by “slapping his hand away”.
This seems like an open and shut no way to lose case, right? WRONG! Here is how Charlottesville screwed the victim over.
Even though we asked for a special prosecutor because we don’t trust the impartiality of the Charlottesville Commonwealth’s Attorney (Virginia’s version of a District Attorney) they brought in Irvine Reaves, a Henrico prosecutor who sympathizes with Fogel’s Black Lives Matter style politics.

Reaves had all the evidence but didn’t bother to subpoena cop who witnessed the confession. Then he made a last minute decision to give the case (like over the weekend) to another prosecutor with no knowledge of the case. Must not have told the other prosecutor about the confession video.

The judge ruled that that Fogel was “not guilty” and bought the claim that he was hold out his hand to block his victim from advancing on him.

After the proceedings were over Irvine Reaves smiled and shook Fogel’s hand. Completely bankrupt miscarriage of justice and possible malpractice.

Every one of the legal professionals involved in this thing should be ashamed of themselves.